"Brief: Develop a simple polling app for “VoteNow,” a fictional polling service. Users should be able to choose from multiple options and see the current vote counts displayed dynamically. The layout should feature a light gray background (#f0f0f0) with colorful options and a button to submit votes.
Poll Options: Display multiple choice options as buttons.
Vote Count: Show the number of votes for each option.
Submit Button: A button to submit the selected vote.
Typography: Option text in Arial, size 16px.
Update vote counts in real-time.
Responsive Design: Stack options vertically on smaller screens.
Kindly check this link for details about the 2 taskshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1PfhCs62qz_N2Mc20J0AkBlvZsKQ5HpFYPTYNtfp5Uso/edit?usp=sharing"