SubscribeHub Form

Hariga Advertising - Startup

نشر في: 22-12-2024
Brief: Design a newsletter signup form for “SubscribeHub,” a fictional subscription service. The form should allow users to enter their name and email to sign up, with a “Subscribe” button to submit. Include input validation to check that fields aren’t empty and that the email is in a valid format. Use a white background (#ffffff) with a primary blue (#3498DB) and green button color (#2ECC71) for visual clarity. The form should look clean, and the button should change color slightly on hover to encourage interaction. Requirements: Form Fields: Name and email input fields with placeholder text. Submit Button: “Subscribe” button with hover effect. Validation: Basic JavaScript to check for valid email format. Typography: Button text in bold, 18px. Error Messages: Display an error message if fields are empty or invalid. Responsive Design: Adjust the form layout for smaller screens, with stacked fields and button. kindly check this file for more details
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المهارات المطلوبة
Web Development
تاريخ الموعد النهائي
ميزانية العميل
15 USD