Taskify Website

Codezilla SRL - Corporate

نشر في: 22-12-2024
Brief: Build a basic to-do list web application for “Taskify,” a fictional productivity tool. The app should allow users to add, delete, and mark tasks as complete. Tasks should display in a card layout with a clear “Add” button to enter new tasks, a “Delete” button to remove tasks, and an option to mark each as complete with a strikethrough or color change. Use a clean color scheme with a light gray background (#f2f2f2) and distinguish action buttons with colors like blue (#0A74DA) for “Add” and red (#FF4C4C) for “Delete.” Requirements: Input Field: Placeholder text “Add a new task…” Task Display: Each task displayed in a styled card, with a strike-through or faded color for completed tasks. Buttons: “Add” button next to input field, “Delete” button on each task. Typography: Task text in Arial, size 16px, buttons in bold text, 14px. Interactivity: Use JavaScript to handle task completion (toggle), delete, and animated effects when adding or removing tasks. kindly check this file for more details https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BKJnWgfSAI_7X5A4cYupYxd3UxzdlQUhPqMYADUmkIw/edit?usp=sharing
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المهارات المطلوبة
Web Development
تاريخ الموعد النهائي
ميزانية العميل
15 USD