Virtual Business Card Interface

Hariga Advertising - Startup

نشر في: 22-12-2024
Brief: Design a virtual business card for “BizCardApp,” a fictional app designed for professionals looking to network efficiently. The app helps users share their information with a single QR code, giving instant access to contact details and company information without the hassle of physical cards. The card should highlight the user’s name, title, company, and various ways to connect with them (e.g., phone, email, LinkedIn). This interface should make it easy for professionals to be remembered and contacted, creating a lasting digital impression. Requirements: Colors: Background: #F3F4F6 (light gray) Primary Text: #1F2937 (dark charcoal) Accent: #4B9CD3 (sky blue for icons and QR code) Contact Details: Separate each piece of information into distinct sections. Typography: Name in Arial Bold, size 24px; other details in 16px. Responsive Design: Ensure the design is optimized for various mobile devices. kindly check this file for more details
مراحل الوظيفة
  • Project delivery
    To deliver the project as agreed
المهارات المطلوبة
Mobile App Development
تاريخ الموعد النهائي
ميزانية العميل
15 USD