Wordpress website

تم المشاركة في : 01-11-2020

تاريخ البداية: 01-11-2020
تاريخ النهاية: 28-11-2020
الميعاد النهائي للطلبات: 01-11-2020
مطلوب مستقليين: 1
تفاصيل المشروع

Mashro3y is an NGO aims to help people with disabilities to start their own projects by giving them special training customized for their case and also funding them with the needed resources

We seek a professional developer to launch our Website to create an environment that could connect their projects with the interested investors

The developer should have sufficient experience with Wordpress websites or worked on similar projects.

نوع الوظيفة:

طريقة الدفع


مستوي الخبرة

المهارات المطلوبة

Web Development


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