Create a secure and professional login page for SecureBank, a financial services provider. The page should include fields for the username, password, and a “Login” button. Add a link for users to reset their password and another for creating a new account. The design should feel trustworthy and secure, using minimalistic elements and a calming color palette.
Theme: Trustworthy and Secure
Background: Use #F5F5F5 (light gray) with sections of #FFFFFF (white).
Text: Headings in #212121 (dark gray) and form labels in #757575 (medium gray).
Buttons: “Login” button in #0D47A1 (blue).
Provide a simple and secure login form for users.
Make password recovery and account creation easy to find.
Use design elements that instill trust and security.
Login form layout with fields for username and password.
“Forgot Password” and “Create Account” link designs.
Secure-looking CTA button for “Login.” kindly check this file for more details