"Brief: Develop an image gallery for “SnapGallery,” a fictional photography website. The gallery should display thumbnail images that open in a lightbox when clicked, allowing users to view larger versions. Use a white background (#ffffff) for the gallery and a subtle shadow for thumbnails. Ensure that images are responsive, adapting to various screen sizes.
Thumbnail Images: Display several images in a grid layout.
Lightbox Effect: Clicking a thumbnail opens the image in full screen.
Overlay: Dark overlay with close button for exiting the lightbox.
Typography: Image captions in Arial, size 14px.
Functionality to handle lightbox opening and closing.
Responsive Design: Thumbnail grid adjusts based on screen size.
Kindly check this link for details about the 2 taskshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1WZC3f9eYXvUUwj1R36NX_uWuLAlp1uOlevMc2fLu2OQ/edit?usp=sharing"