"Brief: Develop a simple blog layout for “Techie Talk,” a fictional technology blog website. The layout should consist of a header, hero section, blog posts, and footer, with a color scheme that feels professional and tech-savvy (primary dark blue #2C3E50, accent red #E74C3C). Create a grid of three blog post cards, each containing a title, a brief summary, and a “Read More” button. Ensure the design looks consistent, with clear typography and a responsive layout.
Header: Logo on the left, navigation menu with links (“Home,” “About,” and “Contact”).
Hero Section: Heading “Welcome to Techie Talk” with a short description.
Blog Posts: Grid of 3 cards, each with a title, summary, and ""Read More"" button.
Footer: Copyright text.
Typography: Headings in Georgia Bold, size 24px, body text in Arial, size 16px.
Design Elements: Consistent layout with grid for cards and hover effects on buttons.
kindly check this file for more details https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BsopN1uahHarNGnDRIqdtLUGWpeLQ0KRZE022UWByY8/edit?usp=sharing"